2016 is the deadliest year so far during migration of refugees crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Image Courtesy – http://www.commondreams.org.
The United Nations refugee agency declared that the death toll for refugees in the Mediterranean sea has touched minimum 3800 this year till date. The refugee agency made a statement on Twitter that 2016 has been the fatal year ever for refugees in the Mediterranean area.
The global body of the agency alerted that amount of death of this year would exceed 3771, which was the total count of 2015.
737 fatalities in this year alone happened during crossing the Mediterranean sea by refugees overcrowded in boats. Video Courtesy – Youtube.com.
On account of war and poverty, refugees have been escaping from Libya to Italy through overcrowded boats with a silver-lining hope in their mind to get new lives in Europe.
The Office of the ‘United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ (UNHCR) reported today that it was helping French administration as they close the refugee camp in ‘Calais’ known as “the Jungle” and “environment not fit for human residence” and which highlighted the requirement for more prominent duty sharing and coordination between European Union States.
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Recently, French authorities exchanged nearly 1,900 individuals willfully to settlement focuses all through France. Numerous arranged in the early morning with a specific end goal to board transports. UNHCR’ was available all through the procedure to give data on lawful rights and distinguish those individuals with extraordinary needs, including many unaccompanied youngsters. No serious incidents were accounted for.
The ‘United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ has suggested French authorities for a prolonged time to close the camp and restore it with appropriate accommodation for refugees. The organization recently has made an urge so that special courses of action are made keeping in mind the security and welfare of several unaccompanied youngsters.
Almost 25,000 displaced people and transients have gone via ocean to Europe from Libya so far this year, as per the UN’s Refugee Agency. The International Organization for Migration evaluates that very nearly 180,000 have achieved Europe by an ocean course in 2016, bringing about 737 fatalities in this year alone.