8 etiquettes to attract your salon customers. Image Courtesy – www.huffingtonpost.ca.
Today, it is not enough just to be a good stylist. You need to follow some etiquette for you and for your customers. If your etiquette pleases your clients, they will come again in your salon and they will also recommend their friends.
Be Responsive
You should always try to be responsive to your clients’ requirements. You must remember to call them back once you miss attending their calls. Your clients will get a positive idea about your concern for them once you call back the clients who have called you when you were busy for your work. This is a good practice that makes you a professional yet friendly to your customers.
Be Punctual
Punctuality is a great and most demanding quality in a stylist. It is suggested not to have any meetings or appointments immediately before or after spa treatment session. However, it is not possible to have enough time in hand when you have a busy schedule. So, you must make every effort to value your clients’ time and they will also value your time. They made out their time for having a service from you and they expect you to reach you on time.
Even if you arrive late for your session, do apologize to clients politely.
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Be Candid
Be candid to your clients if they insist you to experiment with some crazy styling task on them. Do not hesitate to tell them the truth whether they will look really good with it or not. If your suggestion helps them in getting a better look, they will appreciate your talent. Your reputation as a stylist will go a step higher when a happy customer leaves from your salon with a smiling face.
Excellent Front Desk Service
Your salon’s front desk should have all the client assistance facilities. You should consider hiring a lady receptionist with a charming personality. Tell her to inform your customers about latest discounts and offers on specific styling treatments. This will help you to popularize new offers and discounts. Your clients will also appreciate your concern on providing better styling facilities every day.
Pay Special Attention
You must pay special attention to your clients while giving them spa session or hair treatment. You should not get distracted to other clients while giving spa treatment to one client. Your should always keep in mind that your clients are paying for your time and undivided attention and if you keep yourself busy with other jobs while attending them, they may consider you unprofessional.
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Don’t Ask for Tips, Earn it
Now-a-days clients are very sensible and they greet you with nice tips if you provide them excellent service. However, you should not expect this to happen every time. Not all the clients are same and giving tips is not obligatory. Therefore, you should focus on offering outstanding service to your clients and you will eventually learn how to earn tips.
Controlled Communication with Clients
You should try to understand your client psychology of diverse types. Some of them are attending spa treatment just for relaxation and they want quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Therefore, don’t bring up unnecessary conversation that may distract your client. Even if your clients appear to be chatty also then you should not discuss about anything too controversial or sensitive. Do not discuss or do not ask for anything personal. Some clients may feel offended and uncomfortable this way.
These are just some simple things you need to keep in mind while you attend your customers as a professional stylist.