A great motion by Pope Francis. Image Courtesy – Hunger Notes
Pope Francis took an exceptional move by donating 25,000 Euro to the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation for its efforts in supporting people of East Africa who are facing extreme insufficiency of food.
He has mentioned it as a symbolic contribution to an FAO programme. This programme donates seeds to countryside families affected by conflicts and drought.
Earlier, Pope Francis made a movement by messaging to FAO Conference on 3rd July 2017. Monsignor Fernando Chica Arellano, Permanent Observer of the Holy See mentioned in the letter that Pope Francis was inspired to encourage Governments.
Pope Francis took an exceptional move by donating 25,000 Euro to the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organisation for its efforts in supporting people of East Africa who are facing extreme insufficiency of food. Image Courtesy – Angel US
Starvation was pronounced in parts of South Sudan in February and keeping in mind that the circumstance has facilitated after a critical scaling up in the philanthropic reaction. Around 6 million people in the nation are still fighting consistently for enough food daily.
People of another five East African countries like Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Tanzania etc. are in need of humanitarian support. An approximate number of people in these countries who are facing hardship is about 16 million. This statistics has increased by around 30% from the last year.
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Pope Francis, who has made solidarity a noteworthy topic of his dogmatize, will visit FAO’s base camp on 16th October to make an impression on the ‘World Food Day’.
This was one of the finest movements by Pope Francis on humanitarian ground. The slogan for this year’s event is “Change the future of migration. Invest in food security and rural development”.
Reference: http://www.globalissues.org