Bigumbrella is a website where you can get various information about India and abroad. By its name, it signifies everything under one Big Umbrella. We are very much determined to present our visitors with a lot of information on various topics like News, Politics, World Politics, Indian Politics, business, health, science, sports, entertainment, culture, lifestyle, society, astrology, yoga, ayurveda, meditation, spa, spiritualism, food, etc. There are postings also on various activities from our society.
In Bigumbrella, we have created such a platform for people so that they can use it to express their valuable thoughts, share knowledge, pictures, videos, advertisements, etc. We care to promote their private or corporate business through our platform sponsored articles and sponsored advertisements.
On our site, we are focusing a section called ‘Inspiration’ in which we use to delineate inspiration by presenting stories of numerous people from all walks of life irrespective of their language and region. It may be of Celebrities or common people, it may be about people who maintain a high-profile lifestyle, or who maintain a very low-profile lifestyle but use to work on humanity. The purpose of creating this section is to inspire our readers and help people to come out of frustration, depression, and all sorts of negativism they face in the course of life. The resultant effect of fast modern life is frustration or depression in the form of anything; that is the root cause of almost all the diseases in our modern society. People can also submit inspirational stories or articles to publish on our website from any corner of the world.
On our site Bigumbrella, the article section is very enthusiastic for the writers. We are trying to focus on topics that are given less importance by the media, but actually have a greater impact on society. Name of the writers, their pictures, designation, and short details are published simultaneously with their article – this is an opportunity for a writer to get authorization from Google.
We have launched Bigumbrella to serve mankind and in the course of time, it has gained some sort of popularity through various informative articles on our website. We have with us some very eminent scholarly persons who write on our platform frequently. They are attached to their own professional fields and accomplished the level of mastery. We are greatly honoured by their august presence on our platform.
The process of development of our platform goes gradually. However, we are dedicated to our readers by providing them with authentic and invaluable information. We are also open to business owners with better and more comfortable spaces for their advertisements. We would love to hear suggestions from our readers on how to make it more attractive. Those who are interested to write articles on any topic may contact us at