Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of the World Health Organization delivering her speech in the United Nation General Assembly meeting. Image Courtesy – Yahoo
World leaders are worried about the increasing threat of infections, which do not respond to drugs. On 21st September, 2016, the world leaders assembled at the United Nation headquarters for an ‘important’ meeting on ‘antimicrobial resistance. Numerous leaders expressed their views at the meeting.
The ‘important’ meeting was a part of the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA). That was the fourth time in the history that world leaders met to talk about a health issue at a meeting. The problem has become very much critical because of ‘drug-resistant’ bacteria. An evaluation has been done that the quantity of individuals who die from ‘antibiotic resistance infections’ would outstretch 10 million per year around 2050.
The United Nations Secretary General, Ban Kimoon told that it was not yet an assumption, but in reality that more than 20,000 infant youngsters were anticipated to die in every year due to infections that do not respond to antibiotics. World leaders are worried that resistance to HIV drugs is also increasing with the rising of malaria-drug resistance.
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Several leaders from Thailand, Switzerland, Zimbabwe, Belgium, Guyana and other countries talked about the requirement for activity that objectives an assortment of segments including ‘medicine’, ‘agriculture’, drug and analytic developers. Dr. Margaret Chan, Director General of the World Health Organization, pointed out that the absence of medicine development and revelation by the pharmaceutical industry was responsible for that. Because, the said medicines were not developed by the pharmaceutical companies due to low profit margins and the said medicines were not incentivized.
In her speech, Dr. Margaret Chan told that ‘Antimicrobial Resistance’ which was usually known as ‘AMR’ was really a significant global threat. A few scientists named it ‘slow-motion-tsunami’. The circumstance was bad and getting worse day by day. She alarmed that sexually transmitted infections like ‘gonorrhea’ are turning out to be progressively resistant to treatment.
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As result of the special meeting, world leaders took resolution to develop plan of actions for their countries. It is to be observed that how and when their plan of action be materialized. It may be seen in promoting reconnaissance to monitor simultaneously on medicine-resistant infections and antibiotic use in agriculture and medicine industry. Countries can empower the prudent utilization of antibiotic recommending and urge antibiotic agents just be utilized as a part of the treatment of creatures in case of infections. Dr. Margaret Chan requested people not to use antibiotics for treatments like cold for which they are superfluous.
Worldwide farming and heal groups like the ‘World Health Organization’ and the ‘Food and Agriculture Organization’ were called upon to team up on the issue with various partners and report back on endeavors at the United Nations General Assembly in the year 2018.