Honourable Governor of Orisha, Shri Murlidhar Chandrakant Bhandare, releasing the book “Peethmala Mahatantram” written by Dr Ramkrishna Sastri on the occasion of the international conference organised by Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage. Image Courtesy – IIOH.
Modern people criticize anything oriental as superstitions and unscientific without having any entrance to the subject and books composed on the specific subject. Do they feel that they have a limit and an unprejudiced personality to taste the cream from such oriental writings? These so-called dynamic minded people are likewise found to abuse and ridicule religion and even the ancient scholastic documents of the Globe like the Vedas. Vedas educate reality which is one that is beyond all capacities of the human brain and the universe.
Oriental Heritage is expansive and magnificent. Jyotish Shastra plays a vital role in Oriental Heritage and naturally, it has its extraordinary offer of the generosity of Oriental Heritage. The confirmation of its characteristic force may be followed from its power following the beginning of civilization – till today. The superior arts and sciences having a place with Oriental Heritage stayed restricted to India alone for thousands of years.
The role of Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage is absolutely amazing to encourage research and development on oriental subjects and utilize the honey comes out of research work for mankind. The organization is doing a commendable job by their extensive research on this super science for almost 38 years.
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The point of the Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage is to incite a deliberate and exploratory enquiry and research in the field of Oriental subjects. It has the uncommon refinement of propelling the most importantly coordinated endeavour in Kolkata to empower research exercises on different streams of Oriental Heritage. In today’s perspective, Oriental subjects have been put to a huge challenge from the intellectuals. A significant amount of responsibilities have come on the shoulders of sincere researchers of Oriental subjects. However, the worthiness and utility of Oriental subjects have been appropriately perceived by the World Health Organization. In a report, the World Health Organisation has plainly expressed that the study and research of Astrology and Palmistry, the essential streams of Oriental heritage is an exceptionally supportive medium for diagnosing acute ailment and illnesses. Russian medical practitioners have developed huge progress on the examination of Medical Palmistry as revealed in a report arranged by the World Health Organization.
The Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage is relentlessly trying to restore the lost brilliance and enormity of Veda, Vedanta, Puran, Upanishad, Kavya, Vyakaran, Smriti, Jyotish, Tantra, Ayurveda etc. and almost all Indian cultures and heritage subjects by modernizing the scholarly interests relating to those branches of insight. This organisation used to support learning and supervising researches on Oriental subjects, Indian Art and Culture, distinctive oriental languages and languages conveying oriental thoughts.
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It is the magnanimity of the chairman of this Institute, Prof. Dr Ramkrishna Sastri, that so many people and so many organisations have joined their ventures to elevate the glory of Oriental Heritage. Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage has also various chapters in India and abroad. It has chapters in New Delhi, Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Siliguri in India and in various countries like Canada, Nepal, Srilanka, Myanmar, Bangladesh, USA, France, Germany, UK, Malaysia etc. The vision Dr Ramkrishna Sastri, who is also a writer of numerous books like “The Scientific Base of Indian Astrology”, came true in the way that the Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage has become a junction of wisdom today.
Bulgarian delegate Mr Georgi Georgiev delivering his speech in the International Conference organised by Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage.
Austrian delegate Ms Martina Hartenstinar delivering her speech in the International Conference organised by Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage.
The organisation is working to support other organizations also for conferring viable training to the physically handicapped and mentally retarded, various schools and Institutions for Rural Development, Training of Yoga, Jyotish, Tantra, Dharma, Ayurveda and focus on Meditation. The target of the organisation is to aware people about the significance and utility of Oriental subjects like Veda, Vedanta, Puran etc. The IIOH schedule various conferences, classes, meet-the-press at various places of India and the globe. They organised their 38th Annual International Conference on Oriental Heritage this year at New Delhi, India.
Correspondence courses are also available through this organisation. Students from various places of India and abroad can study these oriental subjects through correspondence courses. The organisation generally conducts four sessions in a year – starting from January, April, July and October respectively. Meritorious students are given awards on completion of their respective courses on the last day of the International Conference organised by Indian Institute of Oriental Heritage every year.
Interested people can contact in the address below:
City Office: 8, Ashutosh Seal Lane, Kolkata-700009,
Telephone: +91 033 2360 1224; E-mail: ramk_780201@bsnl.in