Facial oil works as natural beauty ingredient. Image Courtesy – http://facesofony.blogspot.com
Facial oil is a new concept for skin-care. You must wonder what exactly facial oil is. There is nothing to be surprised about it. Facial oil is any kind of essential oil or any organic oil used for face skin. Face skin is more sensitive than any other body part. That is why face skin needs a bit extra care to keep it glowing and healthy. Facial oil is great help, irrespective of any skin type. Generally T-zone is the oiliest part of face, whatever the skin types, and it is the most pimple-prone zone, too. So, we have a common fear about taking proper care of it. Here I will share with you how facial oil can be help to any skin type.
Facial oils are natural essential oil, but certainly they are not mineral oil. Almond or jojoba or any other oil will do well to skin. If you do not have either of them, no issues! You may use extra-virgin coconut oil also.
Facial oil for oily skin
If you already have oily skin and you are afraid that applying some additional oil make you look like a ‘walking oil factory’, then let me correct you. For oily skin also, you can use facial oil without hesitation. And, to absorb and drain out extra oil from your skin, you may use oil-based cleanser. But for oily skin, high-density oils are not good. Borage, argan, cinnamon, and lemongrass oils will do well for this type of skin.
People, who own oily skin, get acne or pimple very easily. To get rid of that all they have to do is, extract additional oil from their skin pores and keep the pore clean. These above mentioned essential oils are very good for this skin type.
An advantage of using facial oil on oily skin is, they may skip moisturiser easily for their beauty treatment.
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Facial oil for normal skin
Normal skin is very easy to maintain. As this skin type is the best among all, they generally do not need extra care. But for making your skin shiny and glowing, lavender and rosehip oil can be applied. Lavender oil is highly preferable among experts. Facial oil works as moisturiser for this skin type.
So, before going for any spa treatment, you can try this tip at home also.
Facial oil for dry and sensitive skin
Dry skin needs thick oils, which have higher density. Coconut oil, almond oil and olive oil will be great for dry skin. After bath, applying oil in a good amount will do the moisturising for your face. You can use this skin care treatment every day.
But every type of oil is not appropriate for facial skin. Castor oil is very bad option for skin nourishment, because it is enriched with harsh detergent substances. And, applying oil on face does not mean that you need to skip applying moisturiser. Both can work together for betterment of facial skin.