New technology for tooth rejuvenation will come very soon. Image Courtesy – The Best Docs.
Development of science has reached to a stage where we can expect of a pain-free tooth recovery that can change cavities to a new shaped tooth without drilling or injection. Instead of the old method of tooth filling, ‘King’s College London Dental Innovation and Translation Centre’ has been utilizing new technology to re-building teeth of their patients.
In developing countries like India, dental cavity is generally treated with some old processes. Depending upon the depth of cavity, affected teeth are either plucked or being filled. In the process of filling, the dentists first of all drill the cavity area to remove unhealthy material which can cause infection, and then fill it back with a ‘composite resin’ or ‘amalgum’ to protect the affected tooth. However, filling with resin does not last longer in comparison to Silver amalgam filling.
But these are all old process now. Professor Nigel Pitts of King’s College, London, developed with his team a new system of treatment which has created a new opportunity to dental patients. This system is called ‘Electrically Accelerated and Enhanced Remineralization (EAER)’. In this process, a little electrical current permits calcium and phosphate to remineralize the tooth, ensuring against deteriorate. This procedure has been for quite some time looked for after by dental practitioners, as it permits the body to repair itself without drills, uneasiness, or pain. Now, this process of treatment needs investors to make it available in the market.
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“The way we treat teeth today is not ideal – when we repair a tooth by putting in a filling, that tooth enters a cycle of drilling and re-filling as, ultimately, each “repair” fails,” Professor Nigel Pitts stated in a press release. He also said, “Not only is our device kinder to the patient and better for their teeth, but it’s expected to be at least as cost-effective as current dental treatments. Along with fighting tooth decay, our device can also be used to whiten teeth.”
It is assessed that more than 2.3 billion individuals confront some level of tooth deterioration every year. It is generally trusted that modern age food habits speed up tooth decay. Acidic foods and beverages like citrus and soda cause harm to our teeth enamel. Expanded measures of starches and refined sugars have additionally been found responsible in impacting the mouth’s microbiota, leaving individuals more inclined to tooth decay.
Their creative research was simply commendable. As a result of that people of the world can be benefited in future. But, it is to be noticed that how much benefit of the new system of treatment can be utilized in the third world countries.
Reference: The Guardian