High commissioner of the U.N. Human Rights criticized nasty tone of US election. Image Courtesy – http://guardian.ng
The chief of the United Nations Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, put a question against the oratory of Rupublican Presidential competitor Donald Trump. He alleged that Donald Trump and other presidential candidates had stimulated dirty game of racial and religious isolation.
Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, who is the high commissioner of the United Nations Human Rights, regretted for the speech of Donald Trump. He also gave the reference that only a couple of months ago, Donald Trump was excited to support torture. Obviously, he faced a tremendous disrespectful criticism after his announcement.
Zeid compared him like a “gasoline”, and alerted the people of USA that this element could be very much harmful for a great nation like America.
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Zeid delivered his speech in such a time at ‘Case Western Reserve University Law School’, while the Republicans meeting would be held in the city just after the month to select their party’s nominee.
The high commissioner of the United Nations Human Rights appealed to the Grand Old Party to filter their selection for nominating of the presidential candidate. He added that focus of the world would be on Cleveland. He expressed profound hope on the people of USA that they would manifest their profound appreciation regarding ‘human dignity’ and ‘human rights’.
Reference: Time