How dangerous Rheumatoid Arthritis is? Image Courtesy – WebMD
Many people have heard that there is a type of arthritis named rheumatoid arthritis. Often, many people think of rheumatoid arthritis as just joint pain. They only can focus on it as a disease of joint pain in old age. But, that is not fully correct. People do not actually know how dangerous rheumatoid arthritis is, and how deadly effect it can cause to the human body.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic disease or you can say autoimmune disease, meaning it can affect multiple parts of the body. This can lead to various other physical problems besides joint pain.
What do we understand by autoimmune disease?
An autoimmune disease happens when the body’s natural defense mechanism cannot understand the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack the normal cells. There are more than 80 types of autoimmune diseases that can affect a multiple range of body parts.
Generally, rheumatoid arthritis is a bone and joint disease. In this disease, it is observed severe pain in various joints of the body, problems like swelling and stiffness are also seen. Many people think that this problem occurs when they get older. But this disease can attack the body at any age. But arthritis does not mean only pain in different parts of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause a variety of other physical problems also.
Rheumatoid arthritis lowers the immune system of the patient. This disease causes inflammation and pain in the bones and joints. Pain in hands, wrists, feet, Knees, ankles, etc can be seen. Initially, it can start with a headache and light fever. We must not ignore it and should have a thorough check-up. This disease cannot be cured overnight. It gradually reaches an advanced stage. Then the disease affects the eyes, skin, lungs, heart, and blood vessels.
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But for that, you have to recognize the symptoms of the disease. Are there any signs in your body to be aware of?
(i) Excessive fatigue does not mean the effect of coronavirus. This problem also indicates other diseases. This includes rheumatoid arthritis.
(ii) Various diseases may accumulate inside the body. Fever indicates that. It is better to be careful if you have occasional fever for no reason, or if you have a feverish feeling inside.
(iii) Paralysis of hands and feet is another symptom of this disease. Arms and leg strength may also decrease due to this.
(iv) Stretching pain in the hands and feet? However, it is important to be careful. Rheumatoid arthritis does not mean severe pain. Often the disease begins with mild pain. Therefore, it is important to be aware in the beginning.
(v) Red eye does not mean infection. Rheumatoid arthritis can also occur.
In addition to all this, be careful even if you start losing weight. Rapid weight loss also indicates this disease.
This disease can lead to heart failure, lung infection, kidney failure, liver dysfunction, problems in the pancreas, eye problems, skin problems and many more diseases. So, most of the major diseases can be started due to the presence of Rheumatoid Arthritis in your body. So, be alert for it!
Effects of Rheumatoid Arthritis on various parts of the body:
Bones – Chronic inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis accelerates bone density throughout the body, leading to thin, brittle bones.
Skin – Almost half of the people with rheumatoid arthritis develop rheumatoid nodules under the skin. These are lumps of tissue that form under the skin, often over bony areas exposed to pressure like fingers or elbows. Nodules sometimes disappear on their own or with treatment with anti-rheumatic medicines. When inflammation of the disease relates to the blood vessels, a rash of small red dots is the result. In more severe cases, inflammation of the blood vessels can cause skin ulcers on the legs or under the nails.
Eyes – A few people with rheumatoid arthritis may develop inflammation in the white area of the eyes that can lead to scarring. It causes pain, redness, light sensitivity and blurred vision. If it goes into a critical situation the eyes may be permanently damaged. Again, inflammation of the area between the retina and the white section of the eye may lead to blindness. Inflammation can also damage tear-producing glands – it causes dryness and grittiness in the eyes.
Lungs – Most of the people (almost 80%) with rheumatoid arthritis have some level of lung involvement. Though it is not serious enough to cause symptoms, prolonged and severe inflammation of the lung tissue may be harmful. It forms a lung disease called pulmonary fibrosis with the symptoms of breathing problems. It may be difficult to treat.
Heart – Chronic inflammation can damage endothelial cells. The endothelial cells prepare the inner lining of a blood vessel and provide an anticoagulant barricade between the vessel wall and blood. When the endothelial cells get damaged, the blood vessels absorb more cholesterol and prepare plaques. On the other hand, inflammation of the outer layer of the heart (pericardium) may manifest as chest pain. Heart attack can cause due to RA factor. When plaques from damaged blood vessels become lose, they may block the blood flow into the heart, leading to heart attack or stroke. A study found that people with RA factor have 60% higher chances of heart attack.
Frankly speaking, in the Allopathic system of treatment, there is only control over the disease. But, in the Ayurvedic and Homeopathic systems of treatment, there is a permanent cure for the disease, and these medicines have no side effects also. In case, Homeopathy has multiple medicines to treat Rheumatoid arthritis like – Arnica, Aconitum napellus, Bryonia alba, Atropa belladonna, Calcarea phosphorica, Ledum palustre, Boiron Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron, Apis mellifica, Calcarea carbonica, Caulophyllum thalictroides, Causticum, Cimicifuga racemosa, Dulcamara, Guaiacum officinale, etc. Only registered homeopathic doctors can give proper treatment according to the symptoms of the disease. These homeopathic medicines have the capability to cure the disease completely under the guidance of a proper homeopathic doctor.