How yellow colour is supporting Indian players – analysis. Image Courtesy – Youtube.
According to Vedic Astrology, the most benefic planet is Jupiter transited into Virgo on 12 August 2016. The generous Jupiter is the KARAKA for kids, wealth, money and knowledge. It is the significator of favourable luck, good fortune, happy family, happy marriage and fertility. The Transit of Jupiter into Virgo, is one of the significant transits of the year 2016. The eminent and respectable planet Jupiter transited into the sign Virgo on 12th August 2016, and it will stay there for one year till 11th September 2017. Such an auspicious transit of Jupiter in Virgo happens just ones in 12 years. So, the transit impact immensely on various Rashis.
As indicated by Vedic Astrology, this Jupiter Transit in the year 2016 will offer ‘financial prosperity’ and favourable luck to general people. However, the effect of Jupiter transit in Virgo would be distinctive for our individual life.
But, if we analyze for country basis, India will also get benefit by the transition of Jupiter in the Rashi Virgo. Those who research on astrology and give prediction on the basis of ‘Applied Astrology’ have already done their analysis on this situation. As it is observed that our country, India, belongs to the ‘Rashi Capricorn’.
Sakshi Malik after winning the Bronze Medal. Image Courtesy –
Now, Jupiter has its 3 distinctive sights assumed by Vedic Astrology. These are 5th, 7th and 9th sights. So, the direct effects of Jupiter will be realized in Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus. Because, Capricorn is the 5th position from Virgo, Pisces is the 7th position from Virgo and Taurus is the 9th position from Virgo.
It is very much clear that the good effect of Jupiter will be on our country India, Indian people and people who will represent India. Now, the Rio Olympic Games 2016 is going on. So, our Indian players are the representatives of India. They will be within the effect of Jupiter.
This ‘Jupiter Transit’ in 2016 guarantees to bring a bundle loaded with circumstances and potential outcomes for Capricorn natives as Jupiter moves into the ninth house, the place of fate. The transit guarantees to deliver achievement in your employment and business. There will be a significant increment in name, fame and recognition, both on professional and individual level. Higher qualities of mind and soul like jubilation, high reasoning ability, power of correct judgement, good health, confidence are all the boons of Jupiter.
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Effect of Yellow Colour:
Yellow leafy foods by and large go about as intestinal medicines to the gut furthermore alleviate the nerves. However, if you have choice for yellow, it demonstrates that you have a striking creative energy and bunches of nerve vitality. The supporting colour of Jupiter is ‘yellow’. Due to this reason, people often wear ‘Yellow Sapphire’ to get support from the power of Jupiter. You can also have the support from Jupiter by wearing ‘Yellow Dresses’.
Now, some instances are in front of us – out of 119 sportspersons of Indian Rio Olympic Team, only 2 have been successful to reach to the medal level. Sakshi Malik has won the bronze medal yesterday in women’s freestyle wrestling, and P V Sindhu has reached to the final of Women’s Badminton and secured at least Silver Medal for the country.
If you could firmly observe them in their last critical matches, you could find that they were dressed of yellow colour during their respective matches. P V Sindhu was continuously improving her skill with wearing yellow dress in 2 consecutive matches. It may seem a coincidence to somebody, but it is a fact that every colour has their property and effect. What we think that if the rest of the participants can use their jersey as yellow may be benefited in their performance during the transit of Jupiter till 11th September, 2017.