Next-gen Apple Watches are coming with solid-state buttons. Image Courtesy –
Next-gen Apple Watch is likely to have some physical changes to its design in the coming year. In place of tapping buttons, Apple watch will be replaced by touch-sensitive pads to pick up on finger movements.
The crown will still rotate, but the button near it will create a mild vibration, just like other solid-state designs of Apple that produce feedback relating to the sense of touch. It will be the same sort of change that took place as in the case of Apple’s shift with the iPhone7, grabbing with a solid-state design and also used touch-sensitive pads in place of traditional buttons. Other Apple components like ‘MacBook Trackpads’ and ‘iPod control wheels’ have already been switched from mechanical parts to the solid-state technology.
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The change of Apple Watch into a solid-sate design will evolve with a number of benefits. One of the benefits is – there will be fewer places for water to leak inside of the device when it is immersed in water. Number two is – removing mechanical parts will frees up more space inside the watch for a larger battery to incorporate.
According to ‘Fast Company’s’ report, this change will took place with a formal announcement by the company in 2019.