Meldonium is now a banned drug for sportspersons. Image Courtesy –Hindustantimes.
Irrespective of geographical boundaries, people believe in some basic things or practices that are necessary for everyone. Keeping faith in the eternal fact ‘Cleanliness is Next To Godliness’, people must to maintain cleanliness everywhere. This is not a difficult task provided they have a strong determination to do so. Though many countries from all over the world claim to have the best cleanliness and hygienic conditions, the task is still incomplete in some other.
In a developing country like India, the meaning of the term ‘cleanliness’ becomes even more important. In the absence of a clean and clear surroundings, it is the human beings that suffer the most. Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation in India, once said, “India should grow well when the Indians would learn the real meaning of cleanliness”. His words are still very relevant as India has been still fighting hard against evil of dirt, pollution, and more of such evils.
Swachh Bharat Mission
Both the Central Government and the state governments in India are fighting hard against garbage and other type of filth, the objective is still far away. Though all the governments since the independence in 1947 have worked hard in this direction, the present government has been more serious towards maintaining cleanliness with special mission-named ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’. Inspired by the ideals and ideologies of the Mahatma, the government has amended the previous rules and have come up with some potential new rules that are very effective.
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A Mission With A Broader Goal:
Maintaining clean and clear surroundings is the solitary target of this special cleanliness drive. Though endless number of efforts have been made in this direction, but in vain. The main reason for this lies in the fact that the Indians are either illiterate or are ignorant about their duties and responsibilities towards their surroundings and environment. The central government has launched this mission with a target to maintain cleanliness at every cost. It understands that the objective can be difficult to achieve if the countrymen do not participate in it.
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Education and Alertness Are The Key Things In Success
As said, illiteracy is a key factor for the failure of all such cleanliness missions in the past. But this time, the governments are very serious about achieving the target. They have taken vow to educate the masses, in both towns and villages, about their responsibilities. Many awareness programs are continuing all over the world that aim at bringing landslide changes in the human lifestyle.
Prevention of Paan and Gutkha Spits
Both Paan or the beetle leaves and Gutkha, a prominent tobacco product, are injurious to health, if you develop some weaknesses for it. Today, you may find millions of fellow Indians who have become victims of these two things. Without a doubt, use of these two things is also harmful for Swachh Bharat Mission as people often use these things as addicts. They develop the habits of spitting all around. Apart from making the place look dirty, Paan and gutkha spits are very harmful for the mission. They do well to none but they damage the homes and surrounding in a severe manner. In spite of massive awareness programs, the addiction for Paan and Gutkha is hardly showing any significant progress.
Paan And Gutkha Spit Is A Real Challenge For Swachh Bharat Mission:
Today, you may hardly find a public place that does have Paan and Gutkha spits. It has become a social crime as people harm the environment to a significant manner. Prevention of Gutkha has another advantage as well. Rich in tobacco ingredients, excessive use of gutkha causes cancer and other various other incurable diseases. Many states in India have declared consumption of gutkha illegal and banned their sale there as well. You can save yourself along with your planet if you stop consuming Paan and/or gutkha. If you stop eating them you would no longer spit and as a result the surroundings would remain neat and clean. Your efforts may even save many people as dirty surroundings cause multiple numbers of diseases.
To be very true that the problems related to Paan and gutkha consumption have lessened to some extent, and the credit for that should go to the governments in both at the center and also in the separate Indian States. However, the main impact of this mission is still far away!
Let’s put our combined efforts together to maintain cleanliness at our home first. As Charity begins at Home, so you can develop a habit to maintain the surroundings as well. Though it is a difficult task to give up addition, it is absolutely mandatory to leave consuming Paan and gutkha. For the betterment if the earth and also for the future generation, we must take the pain to give up using Paan and Gutkha.