Religion & religious saints of India – part 4. The ‘Dhuni’ was lighted by Shirdi Sainath Baba is still flaming since 1900 years in Shirdi, Maharashtra. Image Courtesy – Youtube
Continuation after 3rd phase …
Shirdi Sainath
Born on 18-5-1837 at 7:18 pm and died in the year 1918.
Latitude: 29o 59‘ N
Longitude: 73o 48‘ E
Ayanamsa: 21o 35‘
Ascendant: Scorpio (Vrischika)
Moon Sign: Libra (Tula)
Nakshatra: Swati
Exalted: Jupiter, Saturn
Yoga: Budhaditya Yoga
Venus in own house, Kendra in 7th house from Ascendant, Scorpio (Vrischika) causes Malavya Yoga.
Rashi Chart & Navamsa Chart
Read: Religion & religious saints of India – part 3
In his chart, Jupiter is located in the ninth house from Scorpio who is exalted. Saturn, Moon, Ketu are posited in the 12th house (Libra) which are the significators of a reputed Saint in the Globe.
The ‘Dhuni’ was lighted by Shirdi Sainath Baba is still flaming since 1900 years in Shirdi (Near Nasik), Maharashtra. Your desire will be fulfilled if you visit there, by the Grace of God, Shirdi Sainath Baba. His father handed over him to a Mahamedan Fakir. After training some rituals, the Fakir handed over Sainath to Rama Rao of Tirupati to look into the boy as he became old.
There are many stories about Sainath. Sainath used to meditate “Lord Shiva” by lighting the ‘Dhuni’ (lamp) and blessed his disciples and visitors. He used to sit under a peepal tree and meditate deeply who obtained extraordinary religious activities to do betterment of anyone who is really a sufferer or poor to strive hunger even.
He died in 1918 near Nasik where nowadays a big temple is established for Shirdi Sainath where lakhs of people run after there to have Baba’s blessings.