Religion & religious saints of India – Swami Vivekananda. Image Courtesy – Wikipedia
Continuation after 4th phase …
We have been continuing some of the valuable analysis of Prof. Dr. Tapomay Ghosh Hajra on religion and religious saints of India on this website. This analysis will be on the famous Indian monk Swami Vivekananda.
Swami Vivekananda
Born on 12-01-1863 at 6:31:34 am on Krishna Saptami (Paus). His Father was Biswanath Dutta and his mother was Bhubaneswari Devi. His name was Narendranath Dutta.
Ascendant: Capricorn (Makar)
Moon Sign: Virgo (Kanya)
Nakshatra: Hasta
Latitude: 88o 21‘ N
Longitude: 22o 35‘ E
Ayanamsa: 21o 56‘
Rashi Chart & Navamsa Chart:

Rashi Chart & Navamsa Chart of Swami Vivekananda.
Vivekananda met Ramkrishna Dev on 11th December 1885. Shri Ramkrishna Paramahamsa Dev expired on 16th August 1886. Vivekananda survived for 39 years 6 months who died on 4th July 1902. Within this short span of 16 years, Vivekananda highlighted his Guru in the lore of the world by establishing ‘Ramkrishna Mission’ in Belur Math as headquarter followed by many branches throughout the world.
In his Rashichart, 9th lord Mercury in Ascendant Capricorn, 10th lord Venus in Capricorn having an interchange with Saturn in 9th house with Moon. Fourth lord Mars in 4th with 12th 9th lord Jupiter in 10th having aspect “Guru Bhouma”.
Read: Religion & religious saints of India – part 4
In Navamsa, Saturn-Mars is located in 5th from Capricorn Ascendant (Jupiter in 11th), having the aspect of Saturn and Mars from Taurus.
These combinations inspired him to religion and preach to the world “Jive Prem Kare Jeijan Seijan Seviche Ishwar”. It means that loving people will pave the way to reach before God. Vivekananda was a partial Avatar and advent of Ramkrishna’s power and God-gifted wisdom to let the world know. Vivekananda delivered his speech in 1893 in Chicago and got sounded claps from the audience, “My dear Sisters and Brothers of America”.