Religious saints of India – Jagadguru Sri Shankaracharya Chandrasekharendra Saraswati. Image Courtesy – Pinterest
Continuation after 1st part …
H H Kanchikamokothi Sri Shankaracharya Chandrasekharendra Saraswati
Sankaracharya was born on March 20, 1894, at 12-10 Noon.
Ascendant is Leo (Simha), Moon Sign or Rashi is Scorpio (Vrischika). Venus is exalted. Moon is debilitated.
Survived for 108 years. Jupiter is in 10th (Kendra) who is also the 8th lord aspecting the Ayush Karaka (Saturn). The Lagna lord Sun is also combined with Jupiter. Hence he has a long life.
Rashi Chart & Navamsa Chart
Read: Religion & religious saints of India
Ascendant: Leo (Simha)
Moon Sign: Scorpio (Vrischika)
Exalted: Venus
Parivartana Yoga: Jupiter-Venus
Debilitated: Moon
Which analyzing the horoscope of Shankaracharya Chandrasekharendra Saraswati, it is revealed that 4/9 in Lord, Mars, is located in Aquarius (Seventh House) from Leo Ascendant. In the 10th house, Sun (Ascendant Lord), Mercury (11/2nd lord), and Jupiter (lord of 5/8 house) are posited. Saturn (6/7 lord) is located in the 2nd house with Ketu. These combinations are revealing the highest lore in religion with profound wisdom, having massive longevity for more than 108 years, which I already explained at the very beginning. His contribution in occultism and religion paved the way to enrich more concepts on it with the limelight of doing lore with mankind for every body’s betterment and improvement.