Several reasons indicating – Communist Government is guilty. Image Courtesy –
Let us have a look at the world wise statistics on corona epidemic till date (6-04-2020) at 7:00 AM: Affected – 12,73,990; Deaths – 69,444; Recovered – 2,60,247
We know that the outbreak started in Wuhan, China. Several questions are arising from different outlooks – all targeted to modern-day forms of autocracy by the China government.
1. We do not know the exact source of the virus outbreak. There are multiple probabilities imposed by the government of China to conceal the exact information.
2. Dr Li Wenliang, who was found dead within a couple of days after he issued a warning about the strange new virus. The authorities summoned Dr Li Wenliang to question about his declaration. Dr Li was just 34 years old and logically he was unusually young to be affected to death by Covid-19. With that incident, we can assume the real face of a communist government – their autocracy is proved to restrict almost all the information within the country.
3. We have seen that two of the diseases by respective viruses like Ebola and H1N1 have occurred in the past. Breakout of Ebola epidemic occurred in the year 2014 in the West African area. Breakout of H1N1 Flu started in the year 2009 in Mexico as an influenza pandemic.
4. SARS (Cov-2) started its infection on humans in the year 2002 in the Guangdong province of China. This virus is said to be transmitted from bats to civet cats to a human being.
5. Now, this time the Covid-19 outbreak occurred, it has claimed so many lives so far; the breakout of this also started from China in the month of December 2019.
6. Presently, one incident of dry cough and loss of appetite is seen of one tigress in the zoo of New York, USA. The evidence also needs to be observed by the veterinarians thoroughly.
7. The total globe is affected by the dreadful virus; and if we analyze the outbreak with the situation afterwards, a question automatically comes in our mind – why the number of affected and deaths be so low in a country where the outbreak actually started.
We can compare the statistics of various countries. So, it may happen that we are not getting the correct information from the communist government.
One US lawyer has filed a $20 trillion legal action against Chinese authorities over coronavirus outbreak. Lawyer Larry Klayman with his group ‘Freedom Watch’ and ‘Buzz Photos’, a photography studio in, Texas jointly filed the legal action against the Chinese Government, Chinese Army, Wuhan Institute of Virology, along with the Director, Shi Zhengli, of Wuhan Institute of Virology and Major General, Chen Wei of the Chinese Army.
The litigants have demanded a $20 trillion accusing that coronavirus is the result of a biological weapon developed in Wuhan Institute of Virology by the Chinese authorities. They also told in that petition that China supported death, provided material support to terrorists, they have done conspiracy to cause injury and death of US people, have done tremendous negligence regarding the deadly virus, undeserved death and assault.
An advocate made an allegation that in spite of knowing the destructive potential of the coronavirus the authorities of China tried to hide information. The first case was confirmed on December 8, 2019, but the doctors at Wuhan and throughout China were sent an order – not to disclose any single information about the disease to the public. But, the Chinese authorities compelled to accept human-to-human transmission on January 23, 2020, when videos of people dropping dead bodies on Wuhan streets went viral. So, how many people in China ceased to exist between December 9, 2019, and January 22, 2020, were unrecorded, and the total death statistics kept concealed.
The advocate also told that China represents a State Party engaged in preparing ‘Biological Weapons’, is also a member of the Biological Weapons Convention. It is stated in Article I of the Convention that every state party in this convention manages never in any situation to preserve microbial or biological agents, or toxins whatever be the origin or method of manufacture, of types and amounts that have no reasonable ground for protective or other peaceful purposes. Non-reporting is a form of continued possession in violation of the Convention. If China is found guilty in keeping its commitments stated in the provisions of the Convention (by its delay in reporting the deadly coronavirus breakout), the affected countries can lodge a complaint with the Security Council.