Texas law on abortion creates uproar. Image Courtesy – CNBC
There has been a huge uproar from the people who are advocating abortion rights in the US after a bill on abortion was approved by state lawmakers in Texas. Abortion is now banned after six weeks of pregnancy according to Texas law, although most women are not aware that they are pregnant.
Lawyers on either side of the abortion debate had been watching on Wednesday whether the US Supreme Court could handle the Texas ban. The Texas law starts at midnight after the Supreme Court did not immediately rule that would ban most abortions after 6 weeks of pregnancy. A lack of initiative from the High Court has helped the Texas administration to implement the law successfully. This law initiates the most restrictive abortion in the US.
In 1973, the High Court took a decision to legalize abortion across the country on the landmark Roe vs Wade case. The Federal Courts have disconsolate similar bans in various conservative states in the US mentioning the Roe decision.
The US President Joe Biden commented on Wednesday that the strict law of Texas has blatantly violated the constitutional right settled for nearly half a century under the Roe vs Wade decision. He also told that the Texas law would remarkably damage women’s approach to the health care they need. It would harm that particular community on the basis of colour and also to the people who belong to the low-income groups.
However, the High Court is anticipated to rule the Texas matter taking it as an emergency. The High Court is also anticipated to consider a case summoning Mississippi’s ban on most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy.
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But, the dispute that has been created by the Texas law involved a technical issue on whether to temporarily block the law. If this action would happen, the Mississippi case could crucially weaken the Roe decision.
The bill prohibits abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected in the womb. Modern technology can detect the beating of a fetus even if it is not fully developed before six weeks of pregnancy. According to health experts, at the beginning of the 11th week of pregnancy, an immature fetus is transformed into a developing fetus.
The Texas bill, however, barred state officials from enforcing the ban. Instead, it allows a person outside of Texas to sue the person or doctor who helped with the abortion after the deadline and provides for financial compensation of up to $10,000.
President, NARAL Pro-Choice America, Adrienne Kimmell, told that extremists having anti-choice will be benefited from this law of Texas. Their ‘dystopian vision’ will be fulfilled by this. Eventually, the meaning of dystopia means – a state or situation in which the conditions of life become extremely bad as from deprivation or oppression or terror.
Adrienne Kimmell also placed her statement in the court that the Texas law would obstruct 85% of abortions in the state. It would deprive women in specific cases of the procedure before they become aware that they were pregnant.
The law of Mississippi could have greater consequences for abortion rights. Under this law, a date is being confirmed after which abortions are not permitted. The state challenges its feasibility. In this way, a woman will have a right to abortion before a fetus can survive outside the womb. The groups that support abortion rights counter-questioned that if a 15-week ban is permitted, why not a 10-week or 6-week back like Texas.
Reference: USA Today