The Communist Country is trying to cover-up the epidemic story. Image Courtesy – ThePrint
The Communist Country is trying to cover-up the epidemic story as the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chuning demanded that the epidemic had spread to different parts of the world before the news of Uhan came to light. China is in no way responsible for the deadly virus.
At a press conference in Beijing, Hua claimed that the whole world was blaming China. But, the coronavirus infection did not spread from there. According to Hua, the virus had spread to many parts of the world long before Uhan reported the killing virus. China rather identified the virus and brought out the right news.
This was revealed by examining the genome sequence of the coronavirus, the Chinese Foreign Ministry claimed. Analysis of the virus’s genome reveals that the virus did not spread from there. Such a viral strain had already spread to other countries of the world. Hua said that China was the first to introduce the coronavirus gene structure. That does not mean that the virus had spread from China.
What Hua Chuning saying was an attempt to defocus the truth. We have gone through the news on the media about the outbreak of the virus. Hong Kong Virologist Li Meng Yan has stated something else a couple of months before. She stated that she started her research on coronavirus long before the news of the viral infection spread from Uhan. Li Meng Yan also told that she started examining the new virus at a special biosafety lab in Hong Kong and she understood that the viral strain was much more deadly.
Lee said that in spite of reporting about the virus, the supervisors did not pay special attention to it. After that, Li Meng then secretly began researching on it. But, the authority somehow came to know and she was getting threatening phone calls. Her computer was hacked. Surveillance on her personal information also began.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chuning is completely lying on behalf of China government. In fact, their government was the first organization that tried to conceal the news from the whole world.
They took their secret step on the journalists and kept them silent. Two journalists Chen Qiushi and Fang Bin disappeared after they tried to bring the news to the world. The Chinese government tried to keep the news of the deadly infection secret. So, the claim of the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chuning was completely wrong and it should be considered as a step for damage control. She was deliberately cover-up the epidemic story.
Dismissing the US claim, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua said there were rumours of a viral spread from Wuhan’s Biosafety Laboratory. That was not entirely correct. America has spread this fake news all over the world. It has been said that the virus has spread from the Chinese weight market through bats and pangolins. Hua also claimed that this information was wrong.
It has always been rumoured in America that Corona has spread from the Uhan’s biosafety laboratory. There were claims that it was not a virus but a chemical weapon. The US National Security Council stated that China did not provide accurate information to the international community about the outbreak. Rather, it was an attempt to downplay the whole issue with false information. Hua told that they were desperately trying to prove their innocence by spraying mud on others when the virus infection has reached the stage of a global health crisis.
National Security Council advisers claimed that the plot of the deadly virus was carried out by the Chinese Communist Party. They are spreading around the world with their words.
Read: Hong Kong Virologist Li Meng Yan Reveals the Real Face of Communist Government
An expert in the infectious diseases department at the Wuhan Institute of Virology claimed that Corona had spread from Uhan. He said that in 2013, experiments with coronavirus-like infectious viral strains were being conducted at the Biosafety Level-3 laboratory. At an abandoned mine in southwest China, six miners contracted an unknown infection while cleaning the scattering of bat stools and dead bats. They also had symptoms similar to pneumonia. Three of the six died of the infection.
Samples were later collected from that mine and were taken to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Researchers found a viral strain like Corona and began experimenting with it. Its name was RaTG13. Corona had a 96.2% similarity to that viral strain. Whether the gene structure of this viral strain has changed or not has been studied. Although the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology claims that there was no copy of a viral strain like RaTG13 in the lab. This allegation was baseless.
The claim of the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology cannot be considered true because they repeatedly denied having a survey by the US when the epidemic started initially. They never disclosed the fact of how they got control over the infection in their country so quickly when so many countries in the world still have been struggling to combat the coronavirus infection.
It was reported that the secret agents of China have been stealing secret information from various industries of the US year after year. The Federal Bureau of Investigation reported that there were more than 1,000 cases against Chinese secret agents. They stole technically sensitive information allegedly.
Not the only the US, but the Chinese secret agents are also scattered all over the world. Recently, 2 secret agents of China were caught red-handed with an Indian journalist for transferring secret data of the Indian Army. A lot of evidence is there to show that the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman of China was lying and she was trying to defocus the attention of the world.