Paksharandhra in Muhurtashastra. Image Courtesy – WikiHow
Analysis of Paksharandhra
According to Muhurtashastra based on Panchang usually, a Lunar fortnight (paksha) is of 15 days, but many a time there may be two occurrences. Either an increase in the day which is called – ‘Tithi Vriddhi’ – that can make it of 16 days fortnight. In other cases, a day loss which is called – ‘Tithi Kshaya’ can make it a 14 days fortnight. But very rarely it happens that there will be a fall short of two Tithis in one fortnight (paksha). In such case Tithi Kshaya occurs, then in such case, the fortnight is of 13 days only. This phenomenon is called Paksharandhra, which is considered very inauspicious as per the principles of Mundane Astrology.
As per Vedic Astrology, a Tithi Kshaya is calculated when the motion of the moon decreases from 60 Ghatis (24 hours). Celestial motion of Moon/day is 13°10′(min.) – 15°17′(max.). Again moon resides for 54 hours on average in one zodiac sign. A Tithi is a longitudinal angle between the Sun and the Moon which varies from 19 to 26 hours in a day.
It was recorded as per the astronomical observatory of NASA in California, USA that in 3139BC in the lunar month of Agrahayana Shukla Paksha there was one short solar eclipse in Pushya Nakshatra, on the 13th day of the Kurukshetra war in Mahabharata during the Dwapar era. There was a 13 days fortnight, along with two major eclipses at the time of the Kurukshetra war.
Read: Do Rahu and Ketu form Yoga Karak in the birth chart?
This year in 2021, in the month of September (Bhadra masa), we will get a 13 days fortnight in ‘Bhadra Pada Shukla Paksha’ (bright fortnight of Bhadra pada lunar month) from September 8, 2021(Wednesday/Pratipada) to September 20, 2021(Monday/Purnima). This is as per the Purnimanta system which considers lunar month to end on Full Moon day (Purnima Tithi). This principle of 13 days fortnight has been elaborately discussed in the classical text of Vedic Astrology – ‘Bhavishya Phala Bhaskar’, written by Pt. Laxminarayan on page number 198.
In the above classical text of Mundane Astrology, it is stated that if a Tithi loss (Tithi Kshaya) happens in the brighter half (Shukla Paksha) then it is considered very bad. But if the Tithi loss comes in darker half (Krishna Paksha) then it is considered good.
Planetary constellation

As per the above planetary constellation during September 8, 2021 – September 20, 2021, Ascendant (Leo) is in the 3rd Drekkana which is ‘Ayudh Drekkana’. Moreover, Saturn(R), Mercury and Mars are aspecting 8th house from Ascendant. Saturn is in Shravana Nakshatra and Rahu in Rohini Nakshatra – which is as per Brihat Samhita a fatal combination of mass death, inflation, acute economic crisis, famine and emergency-like situation may be expected. But the 3rd wave of Covid-19 may come in September-end/October which will not be as vibrant as the second wave.
As a whole, this period from September 8, 2021, to September 20, 2021, is not at all good for any auspicious work to do. Lord Ganesha may bless us all.
Sarve bhavantu sukhinah;
sarve santu nairaamaya,
Sarve bhadraani pashyantu
Maa kaschit dukhabhaag bhavet.
Om Shantih Shantih Shantihi.