Why does paralysis happen to a person? Rehab exercises for paralysis patient are very much essential to get him back to normal life. Image Courtesy – Flint Rehab
What is the meaning of paralysis?
Paralysis is a disease where the strength and control over a muscle or group of muscles in parts of the body are lost. This problem happens due to the inactiveness of the connective tissues and nerves that bring signals for the muscle to move.
There are two types of nerves by which we can move our organs and limbs at our will. These are called sensory nerves and motor nerves. The Sensory nerves carry signals from the parts of our body into the brain. And the Motor nerves carry signals from the brain to various parts of the body (muscles, skin, glands, etc.). These two systems carry their signals with the help of various neurons through the spinal cord.
Paralysis is classified on how much of the body is affected:
Monoplegia – In this case, paralysis affects one limb of the body only, like one arm or one leg.
Hemiplegia – It affects one side of the body. It affects the leg and arm either the left or the right side of the body.
Diplegia – In this type of paralysis, the same area on both sides of the body gets affected. Such as both the arms or both sides of the face.
Paraplegia – This type of paralysis affects both legs and sometimes it affects various parts of the trunk.
Quadriplegia – In quadriplegia, both the arms and both the legs get affected. Sometimes the entire area starting from the neck to downwards gets affected. The function of the heart, lungs, and other organs may also be affected by this type of paralysis.
Paralysis has medicine and treatment in the field of Allopathy, Homeopathy, and Ayurveda. If it is properly treated at the right time, it gets cured. Otherwise, the paralyzed patient spends his whole life with a half-dead body only. There may be a curvature formed in the paralyzed part of the body.
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Astrological analysis on the causes of paralysis
If we take an astrological view on this, all the planets are the rulers of some disease or the other. Each planet has a department of many diseases. Similarly, if we analyze the cause of paralysis in a horoscope, we can see that if Saturn has a corrupt effect on Mercury and if the sixth house, the lord of the sixth house is also corrupted by Saturn, then there is a case of paralysis.
The longevity of an individual is governed by the 8th house of a horoscope. Saturn also indicates the longevity of an individual. If the planet Saturn is present strong in the 8th house or the 8th house of an individual is aspected by this planet, the individual gets a long life.
The 8th house is defined as the house of death and the 6th house is defined as the house of disease. As we know that the planet Mercury is the significator of several diseases like – nervous system disorder, tension, depression, anxiety, other neurological problems, etc. When the planet Mercury gets afflicted by malefic planets, or gets debilitated, or situated in the 6th house or 8th house, and at the same time, if the lord of Ascendant is also afflicted or debilitated, the native gets affected by paralysis.
If there is a malefic effect on Virgo ascendant, Mercury sixth house, and Saturn also, then the person suffers from paralysis. Even if there is an effect of malefic planets on Sagittarius and Aquarius in the horoscope, then there is a possibility of paralysis.
The movement of Saturn is very slow. Mars is the significator of blood. When Saturn and Mars are afflicted in the 6th house, the lord of the sixth house, Ascendant, the lord of the Ascendant, and the planet Mercury with their aspect or conjunction, then the person becomes paralyzed.
If Saturn and Mars together make their malefic effects on the 6th house, the lord of the 6th house, the 2nd house, the lord of the 2nd house, and Jupiter, then the person will suffer from paralysis, and his face becomes crooked.
When the Sun, the 2nd house, the lord of the 2nd house, and the planet Mercury are afflicted by Saturn and other malefic planets, there is a possibility of paralysis in the limbs above the neck.
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Astrological Significators
Sun – Brain, spine, blood, heart, and blood pumping system
Moon – Fluids, blood, mind, circulation
Mars – Blood, muscles, movement, injuries, surgeries
Mercury – Nervous system
Saturn – Waste materials, Wasting degenerative diseases, skeletal system and blockage
Effect of the Lords of 6th, 8th, and 12th house
Sixth Lord – The 6th lord indicates for diseases, accidents
Eighth Lord – The 8th lord indicates for critical illness, sudden events, sudden accidents, longevity
Twelveth Lord – The 12th lord indicates decay, expenditure, isolation, hospitalization
Lord of Ascendant – The lord of Ascendant is an important factor to have diseases
When the lord of Ascendant becomes weak, aspected by malefic planets, not aspected by or conjoined with any benefic planets, the native suffers from a disease.
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For an example –
1. If the Sun remains in such a position or affliction, it will give some kind of bone disease.
2. If the Moon remains in that kind of debilitated position, it will be some kind of blood disease.
3. Mars will be responsible for the disease of muscles in that position.
4. Mercury will give problems with skin or nerves.
5. In the same way Jupiter will give bone marrow and liver disease.
6. Similarly, Venus will give semen, urinary bladder, sexual and kidney-related disease.
7. Saturn will give frustration, acidity, gastric, sciatica, bones, and joints-related disease.
8. Rahu gives dental problems, infection, epilepsy, psychological problems.
9. Ketu gives fever, infectious disease, mental restlessness, fear psychosis, skin disease.
Saturn positioned in the constellation of Rahu and Ketu, or Rahu and Ketu posited in the constellation of Saturn with the involvement of the 8th house indicates paralysis afflicting the native.
Dasha sequence at the time of stroke and transit of the planets like Saturn, Jupiter, Moon, Mars, Mercury is also very important.