Shavasana, HasyaYoga, SahajDhyan demonstrated by Yogaguru Suneel Singh. Image Courtesy – Vijay Gautam.
Heart disease is known as cardio vascular disease. Now a day’s heart disease is most common. We can notice in older people as well as young generation. The research found that the rate of heart problem increased day by day due to stressful life and due to some other reasons.
Before some years heart problem was limited mostly till older people but we can see now in young generation also and it is a serious thing. The heart plays important role in our body which pumps the blood throughout the blood vessels continuously. The most common heart disease is blockages (narrowing) in the arteries, blood vessels of heart which is known as coronary artery disease. For healthy heart there should not be any disturbance in the blood vessels or arteries.
Physical inactivity has been established as a major risk in increasing heart disease and risk of hypertension by 30%. There are several types of Heart diseases. A sedentary life style and high stress was responsible for one’s condition. It has been estimated that at least seventy lakhs people die of heart disease every year.
What causes a heart Attack?
High Blood pressure, High Cholesterol, obesity, smoking, lack of physical Inactivity, diabetes, heredity, age, sex, stress and mental tension Yoga is not just twisting or bending different limbs here and there as many people may think. It is fully developed science-based on deep inner study of the human body and intense self-experiments and practices of ancient Indian yogis. Yoga is effective in controlling both functional and stress disorders.
1) Super Six:
Soya 50gm a day can risk out heart attack by 45%.
Amla 2 a day can risk out heart attack by 24%.
Isabgol 15gm 1 day can risk out heart attack by 30%.
Garlic (2 cloves day) can risk out heart attack by 24%.
Bengal Gram (30 gm/day) can risk out heart attack by 24%.
Fenugreek (25gm/day) can risk out heart attack by 45%.
These super six Lower blood lipids, lower bad Cholesterol, lower Blood sugar, reduces Plaque formation in arteries and Boost immunities.
2) Exercise (Walking): Walking is an aerobic exercise that conditions the heart and lungs if performed at the proper intensity for 30-40 minutes at a time. Do it at least 3 to 4 times week.
Benefits: Increases your energy level, relieves tension, increases stamina, Tones the muscles, increases your resistance to fatigue and improves your image also.
3) DRINK WATER: Drink 12 to 14 glasses of water a day helps to alleviates high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, boosts energy, improve mental and physical performance. Water flushed out
Wastes and toxins, transports nutrients, regulate temperature and allow body for proper digestion.
4) COLOUR THERAPY: The color you’re most attracted to be the one you need most, the new age concept of color therapy hoping to cure a person physical and spiritual ailments. Blue color means relaxation, peace, knowledge and communication. Then concentrate on Blue color for 5 to 10 mints daily.
5) FRIENDS NEED NOT BE HUMAN: Heart patients who developed a close relationship with dog, cat or other pet animal recovered significantly faster and lived longer. Because by providing unconditional affection, love pets reduce stress level in their owners.
6) HYSYA YOGA: Laughter, it turns out, really is one of the best medicines. Because Hasya yoga reduces stress hormones, elevates brain awareness, increases the Blood level, and decreases the heart rate, Blood pressure and levels of stress hormones in the blood.
Read: Go Yogic Healing Yoga
7) SAHAJ DHYAN: Sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana. Sit quietly, relax your body, breath slowly and deeply, and say “I am calm” each time you exhale. Do not try to chase thoughts out of your head, in fact, don’t try to do anything. Practice for five minutes at a time, gradually, building up to 20 minutes. When Sahaj Dhyan performed regularly, the relaxation response slows breathing, calm brain wave patterns and lowers blood pressure.
8) YONI MUDRA: Sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana stretch out both palms and bring them to your face. Close your eyes with the help of the index fingers without pressing them. Put your fingers on either side of your nose, upper lips and lower lips, respectively. Both your ears must be pressed lightly with the thumbs. Your eyes and nose must not pressed, feel the emotions within you and concentrate on your breathing. Relax the whole body. The breathing will be deep but gradually it will, become quiet and shallow. Do it 5 to 10 mints daily.
BENEFITS: Look at the tortoise, when it feels that something is disturbing it from outside it withdraws its heads, legs and tail from the object and shut itself in. Yoni Mudra controls the external senses. It develops calmness, steadiness and the balance. This also helps to increase awareness and concentration.
Yoni Mudra and Nadishodhana Pranayama demonstrated by Yogaguru Suneel Singh. Image Courtesy – Vijay Gautam.
9) NADI SHODHANA PRANAYAMA: Sit in comfortable meditative posture. Keep the head and spine upright. Relax the whole body and close the eyes. Then with help of right hand thumb close the right nostril. Now breathe in through left nostril. Then close the left nostril with ring finger and release the pressure of the thumb on the right nostril while breathing out through the right nostril next then inhale through the right nostril. Hold and release the left nostril. This one round of Nadir Shodhana Pranayama – do it for minimum 20 rounds.
BENEFITS: This Pranayama ensures that the whole body is nourished by an extra supply of oxygen, Carbon Dioxide is efficiently expelled and blood is purified of toxins. This Pranayama increase vitality and lower level of stress and anxiety by harmonizing the ‘pran’. Nadi means channel or flow of energy and shoudhana means purification. This pranayama is very – very good for stress and mental depression.
10) SHAVASANA: Lie on the floor on your back. Keep the legs straight on the floor with feet apart by about your shoulder width. Keep the arms straight by your sides with hands placed about six inches away from the body. The head and spine should be in a straight line. Close your eyes gently. Make the whole body loose and stop all physical movement. Mentally watch your breathing and allow it to become rhythmic and relaxed. Do it minimum 5 minutes.
BENEFITS: This asanas leads to remove physical and mental fatigue. The breathing becomes more regulated and controlled naturally.